Visual assist switch between header cpp
Visual assist switch between header cpp

visual assist switch between header cpp

I think this is true to all appearances, if one doesn’t go beyond its IDE or editor. I’ve heard tons of people saying that a C++ developer can’t be as fast as a C# or Java one, and that refactoring tools are quite helpless. One of the most common rumors about C++ is about poor productivity. In this post I’m going to deal with the second issue, giving you some practical examples about saving coding time and, as the title suggests, I’ll consider a specific technology that is C++ on Visual Studio (both 20).

Visual assist switch between header cpp code#

You can read articles and books, work and code a lot but you probably won’t get a sole answer. What is value for a programmer? It’s not easy to say.

visual assist switch between header cpp

The first point is non-trivial and can lead to an extremely long, full-of-abstract-conclusions discussion. So, there are two ways of increasing productivity: Following this short post, we can say productivity is the value of code produced divided by the time spent to write it:

visual assist switch between header cpp

I like thinking as an engineer and for me productivity is a measure of the efficiency of production. Algebraic Topology Batch C++ C++11 c++14 C++17 C++ access mechanism Capture by move CGAL Command Injection Competitive Programming Computer Graphics Constraints cpp CRTP DebugView Defer erase-remove idiom for_each Geometry Pipeline Optimization Getting started with Havok hackerrank Havok Havok Tutorial Havok Visual Studio Homology inner_product Job Interview Lambdas Linkedin tips Mathematical Functions Optimization Mathematical Operations Tips Mesh Meshcripter Metaprogramming method chaining Mimesis Move-Semantics multi-type dispatching Named Parameter Idiom netcat OpenGL Optimization patterns Physics Engine Policy-Based Design Programming Programming Productivity Qt Qt-Script QTest colored QTest fixture QTestLib RAII ranges Recruiting Secure Programming self-learning Self-Marketing static_assert STL map STL vector streambuf stringbuf Struct swap trick team-working Template Metaprogramming Templates thatsarotate toodledo tuple tuple unpacking Visual Assist X Visual C++ Productivityįor an accountant, programming productivity can be defined as lines of clean, simple, correct, well-documented code per day. Actually, searching the web you can find a bunch of good/bad definitions but, as for the majority of my posts, here I’m going to refer to my real experience, being as much pragmatic as I can, then I’m not very interested in analysing all the possible definitions.

Visual assist switch between header cpp